What We Talk About When We Talk About Funk

What We Talk About When We Talk About Funk

  This month’s On Moves YouTube Round-Up is about FUNK.  There’s no Funkadelic or Parliament because this isn’t about painting a portrait, it’s about juicing a feeling.  It’s not about a history lesson, what’s essential, or...
On Moves: Best of 2012

On Moves: Best of 2012

2012 was a busy year!  Here are twenty of my favorite musics, foods, YouTube videos, and feelings that happened within the disappointingly non-apocalyptic confines of this year (I was totally ready for meeting Quetzalcoatl to top this list).   (This list is by...
On Moves: I Moved.

On Moves: I Moved.

    There’s so much I have to tell you.   First of all, I moved to California, so, that’s what On Moves is about now.  Get it?   This is reporting from the field, as it were.   Lately:  The Alan Parsons Project.  Jean-Luc...
ON MOVES: On Vacation

ON MOVES: On Vacation

  As the year ends and I prepare to take a long vacation in Los Angeles, a veritable cornucopia of factors contributed to the incomplete state of “Framing, pt. 2,” the continuation of my last column. So, expect that on the 30th of the month and for now I give...

ON MOVES: #3, Framing pt. 1

Text on the subject of The Picture Frame and Framing will be delivered in two parts.  In this, part one, I spend the first half of the column “reframing” some of my previous points according to a creeping necessity I find myself unable to avoid.  In the second...