iTunes U

If there’s one thing readers of the Bad at Sports blog share, besides a love of art, it’s an affection for podcasts. Duncan assures me that most of our listeners come through iTunes, which isn’t surprising. I probably interact with iTunes everyday,...
Chicago Architecture Foundation Walking Tours

Chicago Architecture Foundation Walking Tours

I hate to break it to you, but summer’s over. The good news is that any moment it will be fall. Time to put away the madras shorts and halter tops, and bust out the corduroy and oxfords. September is also the perfect time to go on a Chicago Architecture Foundation...
Just Super Talented Kids

Just Super Talented Kids

For a while now I’ve been meaning to write about Just Kids, Patti Smith’s 2010 memoir about her relationship with artist Robert Mapplethorpe. But you know how you put things off until it seems like the moment has passed? Well, that moment has just come back around...
Summer Movies

Summer Movies

There sure have been a lot of storms this week. My power went out twice. While it would make sense for me to recommend some books to read during the next deluge that is expected to start Sunday, when it’s storming all I want to do is curl up on the sofa and watch a...
The Artists’ Cookbook

The Artists’ Cookbook

Sometimes a book will sit on the shelf so long that it loses its specificity and becomes merely a faceless one of many. Recently I have been revisiting this group of old friends who are stacked shoulder-to-shoulder on my bookshelves like classmates in some dimly...