Christopher Hudgens
Christopher was the Operations Manager for Bad at Sports from 2005 until 2016. He was also an adviser. operations manager or business director for The Bridge Art Fair, The Parlor, Literago and many artists in the Chicago Art & Culture scene. Currently Christopher is the Director of Marketing & Technology for the 2nd largest commercial developer in St. Louis as well as helped found two residential solar companies, (Microgrid Solar & SunUp Solar) an online property tax reduction service (HomeTax Alert), A luxury apartment complex (The Alinea) & a top 10 iOS fitness app with over 100,000 paid users (Olumia Life).
Christopher now lives in St. Louis with his wife, painting when he has time and flying somewhere new in the world to photograph when he has some vacation saved up. Always looking to help on the next project and eternally an advocate for all things art & tech.