TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/6-12/22)
1. Pauline Kochanski: 3rd-Arc December 17, 5-10PM Oliva Gallery: 3816 W Armitage Ave 2. Small Works Members Exhibition: Closing Reception December 18, 12-4PM Woman Made Gallery: 2150 S Canalport Work by: Marianna Buchwald, Amy Bernard, Ann C. Quinn, Ann...
Episode 786: David Antonio Cruz and Dana Bassett
David Antonio Cruz unpacks his work and process for Tom Sanford and Duncan MacKenzie at Art Basel Miami with Monique Meloche. Then Dana B returns with all the T.

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/9-12/15)
1. Stacia Yeapanis: Reliquaries for Clinging and Letting Go December 12, 11AM-2PM Material: 2025 W Belmont Ave 2. Bells for Her December 12, 3-6PM RUSCHWOMAN: 2100 S Marshall Blvd, Unit 105 Work by: Ále Campos, Marylu E. Herrera, and Alayna N. Pernell 3....
Episode 785: Miami Day 2 NADA
Return to Miami continues with our second day at the NADA fair. We rock the mic with Claudine Ise, Pedro Pedro, and Cash 4.