by Caroline Picard | Aug 16, 2016 | Blog
What does it mean to be modern? And can we possibly find a different kind of modernity by narrating our current issues and past events differently? Might that change the future as well? And of whom? How can we try to extend one’s imagination beyond our established conventions? The historiography of language—of one of the most fundamental commons—and of artistic practice that works with the human tool of imagination— might have some answers to the queries.
by Caroline Picard | Aug 15, 2016 | Blog
I feel like the poet’s role, or poetry’s role, anyway is to disequilibriate, that is to say, to throw everything out of balance with disharmonious attachments. I think poetry is really good at that. Disequilibriation might be the beginning of liberation.
by Caroline Picard | Aug 14, 2016 | Blog
The following comic was inspired by Inherencies (Nov-Feb 2016): a solo exhibition by Rebecca Beachy, and originally appeared on Hyperallergic. Beachy’s show was also mentioned here, on Bad at Sports’ Edition 44. Thanks to Jillian Steinhauer for all of the...
by Caroline Picard | Aug 13, 2016 | Blog
In that sense, a viewer already has an embodied sense of space but what I’m really interested in is how sound starts to move around you when you’re in that environment. Do you consider yourself to be a part of an ecology or an environment when that’s happening? Or are you simply inside of a sound installation?
by Guest | Aug 12, 2016 | Blog
by Sabrina Greig With the recent cascade of Black Lives Matter protests last month, the exhibition Invisible Man: Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison in Harlem, comes at an opportune moment. On view for its last month at the Art Institute of Chicago, photographs from the...