Prospect New Orleans
This week: Live from our bed at Volta, the fine folks of Propsect New Orleans! We talk to Franklin Sirmans the Artistic Director of Prospect New Orleans(who moonlights as the Terri and Michael Smooke Department Head and Curator of Contemporary Art at Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and the Executive Director of Prospect New Orleand Brooke Davis Anderson!

Plugs from our intro include:

Karen Azarnia, her installation work “Luminous” will be up at Terrain (

May 4 – 28, 2014
Reception: Sunday, May 4, 4 – 7pm

Terrain Exhibitions
704 Highland Ave.
Oak Park, Illinois

Opening May 22, 2014 at Rush and Chestnut Streets (50 E. Chestnutt)

Curated by Jeffly Molina


Jennifer Reeder’s new movie, help out, kickstarter!!

Christopher Hudgens