This week: Katy Hamer, who in addition to her superior intellect and charm ALSO has stamina. So she demonstrates that stamina in our bed… and by bed we mean our bed booth at VOLTA in NYC this past weekend during which she tells us all about the art fairs.
What did you think we meant? What the hell is wrong with you, we don’t roll like that. Well, okay there was that time at a certain campingy art residency but I was drunk and I didn’t know it was a sheep. But Katy should have her good name sullied by associationw with us! She is a talented writer and critic, how dare you.
Read her wildly impressive blog:
B@S would like to acknowledge that Mr. Holland’s discussion announcing the death of Christine ‘Moose’ McGlade was in error. Moose is alive and well. Mikey didn’t die from pop rocks and soda, Paul is not dead but he is embarrassing himself by trying to get the credits changed, Richard Gere does not “gerbil” although he did make a movie completely abhorrent to his Buddhist beliefs romanticizing a prostitute’s life into the Cinderella story which is super creepy despite the fact we all saw the movie and were charmed by “Guido the killer pimp”, Jamie Lee Curtis nor Lady Gaga are hermaphrodites, and the US really did land on the moon. Are we okay now?
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