Out of the Mouths of Artists: Nicole Mauser

Out of the Mouths of Artists: Nicole Mauser

“Out of the Mouths of Artists” is a new bi-monthly series on the Bad at Sports blog. The series presents a space for guest artist bloggers– of varying career statuses– to write, to reflect, to pontificate on their current situations, failures...

Disney’s Princesses Have Grown Up…A Little

Warning: In this piece I talk about movies. I’m not sure what it has to do with art. Also, if you haven’t seen the Disney films Brave and Frozen, and you care about knowing what happens in them, you might go watch them before reading this. Taking a look at...


TRENDING Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you can’t be hot. Beyoncé. I know, as if you needed me to tell you this. But did you see that even the Art Institute of Chicago is crazy in love, recently releasing an internet marketing campaign...