by Caroline Picard | Jul 2, 2013 | Blog
I came across Sarah Gram’s  article “The Young-Girl and the Selfie” and thought I’d repost an excerpt here as something that ties in both with Juliana Driever’s interview with Andrea Washko, and, more generally, the way self-portraits...
by Christopher Hudgens | Jul 1, 2013 | Podcast download This week: Our faithful correspondent Patricia Maloney sat down with former US Congressman Pat Williams and his son Griff Willams at Gallery 16 in San Francisco earlier this...
by Jeriah | Jul 1, 2013 | Blog
The challenges of earning a living as a working artist are well-known, and artists find various ways to support themselves. Some work in entirely unrelated fields, or in peripherally related fields, photographing weddings or painting faux finishes on wealthy...
by Dana Bassett | Jul 1, 2013 | Blog
The scene on Milwaukee Avenue this weekend. Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival Roundup Logan Square til I die. As if Logan Square wasn’t already the best neighborhood in Chicago (sorry haterz), this weekend’s Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival was the perfect...
by Caroline Picard | Jun 30, 2013 | Blog
At the risk of trying to tie up a week too simply in one bow, I felt like each post had an underlying vision of Utopia, whether the artist residency in the woods, the dream of fashionistas, the work of uncovering and discussing gender dynamics, the performance of...