Chicago Art in Pictures: New Capital

Chicago Art in Pictures: New Capital

This week, independent of one another, Chicago-based writers Caroline Picard and Jason Foumberg both raised questions related to sustainability in the art world. Within the context of Bad at Sports, Picard wondered about communal failure, ethics, and Utopia,...
Episode 403: apexart resident Reymar Gacutan

Episode 403: apexart resident Reymar Gacutan download This week: Amanda and Richard talk to inbound apexart resident Reymar Gacutan as a part of our ongoing partnership. Reymar Gacutan (b. 1972) is an artist and educator based in...

Open Engagement 2013 No. 03: Nomenclature

Thus far at Open Engagement, I’ve heard no discussion around the terminology of social practice, or specifically what to call “social practice.” The conference at large seems  presently unbothered by the nomenclature of its  discipline. It’s...
Open Engagement 2013 no. 01

Open Engagement 2013 no. 01

There is a reason they made a show about this town; it’s so true it’s a cliché : Portland is a kind of paradise. From the Tiki bar at the airport to the food truck shanty town we hit at midnight where twenty-thirty somethings fulfilled all college cuisine...