by Thea Liberty Nichols | Apr 18, 2013 | Blog
Grafting is a horticultural process that involves splicing one plant onto another to jump start growth. The root stock is the base, or anchor, of the operation used for its already mature, well developed root system. The scion is the plant matter that is grafted on;...
by Gene Tanta | Apr 18, 2013 | Blog
J=o=u=i=s=s=a=n=c=e Knows Best PS: I misread “you” instead of the “I” you have. How does this change the tone of the text? How does this change the idiomatic expression itself: “I break for strangers†or “I will rock you like a...
by Sarah Margolis-Pineo | Apr 17, 2013 | Blog
When Seattle-based designer Michael Cepress and I first met in February, he was on the verge of closing in on a successful Kickstarter campaign to help launch his first complete line of ready-to-wear garments and accessories for men and women. “It’s nice to know...
by Thomas Friel | Apr 17, 2013 | Blog
We have made it so that actors are playing themselves as the ultimate fictional character. My Dinner with Andre famously did this in 1981. Being John Malkovich (1999) was self propelled by having the notable actor play himself, despite the already original script....
by Guest | Apr 16, 2013 | Blog
by Richard Holland I went to law school and pursued my MA/MFA at the same time. From the academic institution/professorial perspective I suspect this made me a first class pain-in-the-ass. Pity my art professors. I hear they have all recovered well, although I don’t...