Top (3) Weekend Picks! (8/24-8/26)

Top (3) Weekend Picks! (8/24-8/26)

1. RANCH at Iceberg Projects Curated by GURL DON’T BE DUMB, with work by Whitney Bradshaw, Hani Eid, Tony Favarula, Jackie Furtado, Alysia Kaplan, Cole Don Kelley, Eileen Mueller, Julie Oh, Corkey Sinks, and Jamie Steele. Iceberg Projects is located at 7714 N....
F is for You’re a F*&%#ing Liar

F is for You’re a F*&%#ing Liar

At my house there is an unhealthy obsession with forgeries, all kinds of forgeries. I can trace this back to our interest in Han van Meegeren, the famous Vermeer forger. Although there had been much written about van Meegeren, it was in 2008 when two books came out...
Episode 364: Matt Greene

Episode 364: Matt Greene download This week: 7 effing years! Our NADA series continues with Los Angeles based artist Matt Greene. (b. 1972, lives and works in Los Angeles) Past Exhibitions: “Defenders of...