Barbara Kasten Talks With Heidi Norton

Barbara Kasten Talks With Heidi Norton

GUEST POST BY HEIDI NORTON As a photography student of the mid/late 90’s, Barbara Kasten was of great significance to me. I lost track of her during the first decade of the millennium, as the contemporaries of the Becher’s school (Gursky, Ruff, Struth)...
Detroit: Now with people in it!

Detroit: Now with people in it!

For decades, Detroit has performed a facile and impoverished symbolic role in our regional and national consciousness. You know what the city represents almost by instinct: abandonment, danger, the slow yet violent death of once-mighty American industry — the...
Top 5 +1 (10/21 & 10/22)

Top 5 +1 (10/21 & 10/22)

1. Transmissions From The Outpost at Thomas Robertello Gallery Work by Adam Ekberg. In the project space: I Believe in Harvey Dent or Three Months in Valparaiso, work by Jason Robert Bell Thomas Robertello Gallery is located at 27 N. Morgan St. Reception Friday, 6-8pm...
We Built This Space: An Interview with Meg Turner

We Built This Space: An Interview with Meg Turner

AS220 is a special place. In last week’s conversation with the Dirt Palace, you can already get a sense for how it has influenced the culture of Providence. In the following interview, I talked to Meg Turner, a former RISD graduate, who helped build and share...
Episode 320: Christine Hill

Episode 320: Christine Hill download This week: Duncan, Brian, and Abigail Satinsky in conversation with Christine Hill at the Open Engagement conference, which took place from May 13 to 15, 2011 at Portland...