"Goodtimes" by Siebren Versteeg at Meulensteen



Here are a few last minute Art Review Haikus for then end of the year. It’s been a productive year in NYC. Shout outs from the NYC Bureau.


Siebren Versteeg at Meulensteen

Culture wash, Al-Gore-rhythms
Neigh! painted…printed


Maurizio Cattelan at the Guggenheim

Hung, like a nude clown
A taxidermic history
Last stand or fake death?


Sarah Braman at Mitchell-Innes & Nash

Domestic dirt tag
Suburban kaleidoscope
Ripped trailer sunset


Rebecca Goyette film “Lobsta Rollin” and “Touch My Hull”

Golden lobster porn
Jiz blushed mayo shifts starboard
Salty sinister lick


– a note about these Haikus. I wrote them before the passing of Helen Frankenthaler, this is dedicated to her, one of my favorite Color Field painters. – amanda


amanda browder
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