hyde-park-mischif-nightIt’s the night before Halloween – the night when pranksters come out of the woodwork to wreak havoc on their neighbors. It’s called “Mischief Night,” and this year artists are taking it over.

Artists are masters of constructing moments of subversion, spectacle and illusion. On Saturday, October 30, the Hyde Park Art Center is asking artists to create those moments. From 3pm until 10pm, they will have games, art-making workshops, and performances taking place in and around the Art Center – all with the prankster in mind.

Sound interesting? They are looking for artists who would like to be a part of the mischievousness by concocting artist-run workshops, performances, temporary installations, public programs for kids and/or adults, or any other creative ideas you can scheme up.  They are open to input.  If you’re interested, please send a proposal including:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Name and description of your event/workshop/prank/performance
  • Any supplies you may need

Deadline for submissions is July 14. Please send your proposals to Crystal Pernell at [email protected].

Christopher Hudgens
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