Ready, set, go:
*The Victorian Poetic Home.
*The story behind Klan-themed Quilts.
*How to practice green visual criticism (via The Groundswell Blog).
*Most major art museums are still dramatically lacking diversity.
*Love, love love this: Little People: a Tiny Street Art Project; see above image for an example.
*Art21 has a really interesting article on the issues that arise when installing and conserving Jenny Holzer’s works.
*White House Canvas: Rachel Somerstein analyzes an overlooked aspect of the White House’s much-buzzed about new art picks: their unusual (for the White House, anyway) emphasis on Abstraction. (Via Hrag Vartanian).
*Eight cities whose future is in serious doubt.
*I’m a Photographer, not a Terrorist! (Via Boing Boing).
*In Malibu, California, someone actually busts out the phrase “go back to the Valley!” in all stupid seriousness. You go, L.A. Urban Rangers!
- Michelle Grabner, Anthony Elms, Stuart Comer Named Curators of 2014 Whitney Biennial - November 29, 2012
- New Fielding Practice Podcast on the Art21 Blog! Episode 16: Summer Review-O-Rama! - July 19, 2012
- Tom Sanford is a Busy Man…Here’s Why - June 12, 2012