Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC), a decade-long national initiative to improve conditions for artists (which includes efforts to connect artists to greater health insurance options and maintain spaces for art and artists in community development projects, among others) is conducting an online survey on artists and economic recession. They’re inviting artists to share their experiences under the current economic climate. It’s all completely anonymous, of course, and the survey is being overseen by by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. More on the survey, from LINC’s website:
Is the recession over for you, or still going strong? LINC wants to make sure the conditions artists are facing in the current economic climate are being heard and addressed.
LINC, in partnership with Helicon Collaborative, has developed the Artists and the Economic Recession Survey to invite artists to share their current experience. This survey will provide hard data for all of us who believe that arts and culture are important so that we can achieve the changes in policy, funding, and information dissemination necessary to improve the working lives of artists nationwide.
If you have 15 minutes or so, think about participating–you don’t even have to leave your chair (if there’s a computer in front of it, anyway). The wider the range of artists’ voices, the more meaningful the survey’s results (and the analysis that follows) will be. The survey closes on September 4th, 2009, so there’s not much time left.
(Via College Art Association News).
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