Meeting Beatrice Fisher a Little Too Late: In Memoriam

Meeting Beatrice Fisher a Little Too Late: In Memoriam

Guest post by Damien James   I walked into Woman Made Gallery on Wednesday, October 14th, to view and review the Beatrice Fisher retrospective, which surveyed fifty years of art making. Intrigued by the gallery’s website, which noted that this was...
Episode 220: Liam Gillick

Episode 220: Liam Gillick download Liam Gillick. That is right, the man whose imagination can take him anywhere. A transparent master of the question of Modernity? Cat lover?...

Beautiful Wearable Dress Has Over 24,000 LEDs

The Galaxy Dress is the center piece of the “Fast Forward: Inventing the Future” exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. The museum is celebrating its 75 years and has commissioned the GalaxyDress for their permanent collection. The...


I honestly can say that I never thought I would find a comic (graphic novel? whatever) that felt so close to my own life. Nate Powell’s book, Please Release, is a collection of four stories created between 2002 and 2005 in Arkansas, Rhode Island, Florida and...