Stills from a “Lost” Chicago Movie

Stills from a “Lost” Chicago Movie

I’ve been having one of those Alice in Wonderland-type afternoons on the Internet where you happen upon something that fascinates you and whooosh! down you tumble, lost to the rest of the world for hours. Where did I fall? Into the Library of Congress’...
Trippy Vintage TWA Posters by David Klein

Trippy Vintage TWA Posters by David Klein

Check out these super fabulous 1950s and ’60’s era travel posters by illustrator David Klein (then learn more about Klein and see more posters by clicking the link to Grain Edit below). Love these. New York is very Tron, St. Louis is sorta McDonald’s...
Episode 206: Telling Stories

Episode 206: Telling Stories download This week, Patricia and Brian present the work from the Telling Stories class at CAA. The class was run by Taraneh Hemami, who invited the west coast Bad at Sports team to...