If you happen to live in :Alabama, Massachusetts, Alaska, Minnesota, Arizona, Missouri, Arkansas, Montana, California, New Jersey, Colorado, New Mexico, Connecticut, New York, Delaware, North Dakota, Georgia, Oklahoma, Idaho, Tennessee, Illinois, Utah, Kansas or West Virginia. Then now is the time to live up to your American heritage and repress an indigenous people Vote!

If you are unsure who would best run your Nation, District, City or Animal Shelter then play it safe and just write in “Bad at Sports”. We may not know every issue on the table but we did you sister on that table and that should count for something.

If you are unsure how this “Voting” stuff works, you know things like caucuses and super delegates. Then don’t watch this video, open bundles of parchment bound on one end and read their words and letters. If you want to know how McLovin gets his Chad to hang firm then by all means watch.

Christopher Hudgens