Episode 141:Ryan McGinley/Chris Perez

Episode 141:Ryan McGinley/Chris Perez

http://media.libsyn.com/media/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_141-Ryan_McGinley.mp3 download This week the West Coast Crew heads down to Ratio3 to talk to Ryan McGinley and gallerist Chris Perez. Ryan McGinley makes large-scale color photographs of nudes in...

Bullet Speed Helvetica Dropclock Screensaver

First we had a story on a visually harmless apple computer virus that gets the drop on your desktop. Then we had a episode that included the Helvetica independent film that came out and was a great watch. Take the two and put them together and you get the Bullet Speed...

Art Instalation Reinterprets Voices Into Music

From the website of the artist Ranjit Bhatnagar: “Simple automatic instruments are constructed from local materials and objects on site. The system learns the sounds it can make by trying out its instruments, and then uses its range of sounds to try to reproduce...
Stop Signs with tounge firmly planted in cheek

Stop Signs with tounge firmly planted in cheek

Citizens of Oak Lawn, IL have a history of coasting through stop signs and in response the city installed smaller signs below their larger, legal counterparts to get motorists attention while providing them a tongue in cheek appeal to their conscience. The extra signs...
Episode 140: Tony Matelli

Episode 140: Tony Matelli

http://media.libsyn.com/media/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_140-Tony_Matelli.mp3 download THIS WEEK IT’S THE AMANDA BROWDER SHOW!!! GUEST STARRING TONY MATELLI!!! Tony Matelli has always been interested in the underdog. He has become well known for his...