What Kind of Art Do You Want To See?

What Kind of Art Do You Want To See?

On Monday July, 7th at 9pm EST on HBO “The Art of Failure: Chuck Connelly Not for Sale” Documentary airs and you can watch a reportedly embittered, drunk, divorced burn out try to make himself even more unappealing by rehashing his life in film step by...
Bad at Sports on the Ground

Bad at Sports on the Ground

Bad at Sports is participating in “Open for Business” at Triple Base Gallery from July 10th – 13th. The west coast team will be there with stickers, custom BAS Audio CDs, MP3s and more schwag. Come by and barter for the goodies. Check out lowdown...
Outside the Loop Radio Interviews BaS

Outside the Loop Radio Interviews BaS

Outside the Loop Radio which reportedly broadcasts from it’s (for our benefit) 100-watt artsy-fartsy radio station took time to interview Richard and DMac and ask about the birth and direction of Bad at Sports. If you want to listen to the entire episode click...