As we recover from Sharkstock 2007 we diligently post Episode #87 the first installment of our team coverage of Artropolis, Version, Bridge, Sharkstock and a bunch of other cool stuff we went to in the last few days. Also prior to our soiree at Sonotheque we it Tony Fitzpatrick’s kickass opening at Architrove which was so crowded I nearly had a panic attack, I got to meet his Mom, who was utterly delightful. Paul Klein spent most of the fair weekend worried that we were stalking him as we were oddly on the exact same schedule at all times.
This weeks installment consists of a mix of stuff, next week we focus on interviews with gallerists and artists.
To top it all off special guest star Dolly Browder joins in!!!
The intro has a name mysteriously bleeped out. Cast your vote on our blog on who you think it was.
Team Browder reviews New InSight the exhibition of fancy-pants fresh young MFA’s curated by Susanne Ghez who, despite being a perfectly lovely person, steadfastly refuses to be on the show. C’mon Susanne we don’t bite!
Our first team coverage event: Team Queer (Terri, Serena, and Meg the war correspondent) and Team Fat White Guy (Duncan, Richard, Christopher Hudgens) get in the midst of combat with the “Carnival of art on the river” AKA “Art War 2007”. A member of the team is wounded in the line of duty. We intend to sue. Everyone. Edmar you are on notice.
Terri and Meg talk about Symposium C6 The Art World is Flat and how weirdly classist it seemed to be.
Duncan and Richard talk to William Dolan and Mark Staff-Brandl about The Artist Project and Bill makes a sale during our bit with him.
Richard talks to Michael Workman about being guillotined in effigy. Tom Burtonwood mourns the loss of his good friend Michael, but has already planned his ascendancy to the leadership of Bridge.
We wrap it all up with a discussion of Canadians drinking too much.
And this is just week 1. You should be paying us.
“This video is for Chris Sperandio Only”
The Architrouve
New Insight
Susanne Ghez
Rebecca Kardong
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Pamela Sunstrum
Maryland Instite College of Art
Fear Factor
Niki van Strien
San Francisco Art Institute
Leeza Meksin
Yale University
Jonathan Keller
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Symposium C6
Anne Pasternak
Stanley Hainsworth
Ruby Lerner
Robert Enright
Ken Lum
Erika Dalya Muhammad
Art War
Carnival of Art on the River
Edmar Lumpen (Ed Marszewski)
Michael Workman
Chris Kennedy
Kevin Stanton
Rachel Adams
Mark Staff Brandl
Bill Dolan
Paul Klein
Art Basel
Bridge Art Fair
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
At least the MCA does *something* for the local scene. Granted it’s pretty small, but they do the 12 x 12 and occasionally show locals in the collection (I recall seeing Grabner, Sokolow and some guy named Wesley Kimler in recent months).
The AIC shows no interest whatsoever in the local scene.
Richard -agreed the MCA does do something -especially the MCA’s best curator -no, Chicago’s best curator- Lynne Warren who really is the most knowlegable person there is on art in Chicago, and actually thinks for herself…….-having said this, and in contrast to- Dominic Molon’s pending Rock/art show -that apparently has plenty of artists from both coasts -and one -thats right, ——————–one artist————————— from here……this, aside from being a total slap in the face to the entire art and rock community, is a very foolish thing, with reprecussions no doubt in the planning stages……. as for the art institute…….well Rondeau has puchased a couple of Kirchner clones -I’m sure James and Judith sealed that deal at the lap pool they frequent together…as long as artists put up with kind of behavior -and tolerate dilletants like Rondeau, we will get what we deserve…..
Perhaps the city can get behind Artropolis next year and promote it in a big way. Hosting a large annual international event could help in its bid for the Olympics site.
Why do all these posts seem so naive about the mart’s purchase of the armory show? Clearly, the mart folks are getting onto what the rest of the international art community knows it is a sinking ship. And for all those chanting Chicago is Back, you should realize that having a fit art community is not contingent on whether or not your city has a fair. Especially a fair, that by all accounts I’ve had, was far from great.
I dunno krunk – we might see this differently. First of all, how is it naive to say that the Mart’s purchasing of Armory makes sound financial sense? I think they’re doing it more for financial than civic reasons, but so what? it seems to me that they’re trying hard to walk a fine line, but they make no bones about this. I think they could do a ton to help even the playing field in favor of artists, and re-building the Artists Project would go a long way toward accomplishing this goal. One thing I’ve learned from doing Sharkforum is that you’ve got to incrememntalize your successes. The Mart pulled off a gig with a LOT of moving parts, and it seems to have done so pretty seemlessly. Purely from the standpoint of presenting Chicago as a city with it’s shit together they’ve helped us a ll a great deal.
Is the health of a scene contingent upon having a fair? I dunno about that either, but I know that it sure can help in a big way. I don’t think the fair is a panacea – far from it – but exposure goes both ways, and it’s most definitely healthy of artists of every stripe to be able to see so many legit galleries in on location.
I’m not really sure how to judge the quality of this year’s fair other than by means of comparison with last year. Having had a seat pretty close to ring side I can safely say that these guys worked HARD to cover a range of facets. They could have just offered up old wine in new bottles, i.e.; last year’s show with a little more sizzle.
I think there’s still some ground to cover, but having spoke with Mark Falanga and Tony Karmen a bit I can safely say that they don’t intend to rest on their laurels. In many ways next year is the acid test. But the acquisition of Armory is huge for Chicago! In a sense they’re infiltrated the enemy camp, allowing them to establish good working relationships with another calibre of dealers from the US and abroad.
ton’s ‘o’ typos in there – sorry
I agree that the Mart buying the Armory and Volta would actually be great for Chicago, making it an instant almost competitor with Basel and Basel-Miami.
The idea of Chapters or at least “chunks†is good because I listen to BAS on my mp3 player and cannot always do so in one sitting, thus would like to be able to get back to where I stopped. (Yes my player does that automatically, but usually I screw that up by accidentally pushing the FF button or some other stupidity.)
I haven’t listened to this show yet, even though I’m on it. I’ll do so tomorrow, but I would like to say that I personally find ALL the BAS shows fun and rewarding. SO if you don’t like it, go somewhere else. Maybe Hello Beautiful.
One thought: Looks like Chicagoans are going to have to stop nay-saying and start being boosterish — maybe against their own wishes?!!! Stop trying to call the Fair bad — in terms of such fairs (of which I am NOT fond) it was great. I see and have seen many others including the “King†Basel-Basel every year. Trust me. But the Shark is right, some serious provincial Malinchismo is going to have to come tumbling down.
(Malinchismo = mex. Spanish. Favoring things foreign, disrespecting things near to you, encouraging the provincial copyists of things far away.)
“I haven’t listened to this show yet, even though I’m on it. I’ll do so tomorrow, but I would like to say that I personally find ALL the BAS shows fun and rewarding. SO if you don’t like it, go somewhere else. Maybe Hello Beautiful.”
Ouch, wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Yeah, kind of mean. You know me Balzack! (Did I meet you in your secret Identity at the Fair?)
I am not in any way a spokesman for the C6 symposium but I had such a different experience in the three days I did attend (although I did not attend each and every session). I would like to suggest that sometimes one’s assumptions get in the way of the truth.
One of your reviewers claimed that students were relegated to the upper level of the bandshell and were not allowed refreshments. I myself sat in the “choir” and I am hardly a student. I sat there because I felt I could see the screen better. A good number of my MCA colleagues and other non-students types sat up there too, and all of us were welcome to have all the food we wanted. If for some reason the students were too timid to go down and serve themselves coffe, well I can’t speak to that. And I know for a fact a box lunch was served to them the first day.
Also, this was the symposium’s first year, so all the comments about it having been “closed” last year and finally this year tickets were sold other than it being by invitation only are just wrong.
Finally, I noticed panelists of varying backgrounds on almost all the panels I attended (and since your reviewer in particular seemed to be counting African-Americans, I saw Adam Pendleton, Stephen Burks, Rick Lowe and Erika Dalya Muhammad) Some of the panelists were not able to make it to the conference due to airline delays, so that may have skewed the experience of “minority inclusion” on the panels your reviewers did catch.
And if your reviewer is so disturbed by ladies dripping with diamonds, you better stay inside and lock the doors. God forbid you shop at Whole Foods; you’ll be virtually blinded by them.
Steve Hammann! It is really a shame we missed each other — you could have gotten in the show free any other day, or called me and I’ve have gotten you in at the opening , or met me at the Sharkpit!
Lynne, once again it was great to see you again! The symposium was about the only thing I missed. I’d love to read a longer report on it’s elements from you (even about idiots like P Sellers). Have you got time to do one on Sharkforum?
Missing you, and missing your kick ass art is a HUGE regret! I was there Thurs But didn’t have the 25 bucks! (Next time I’m going to take R up on his press pass). I tried again on Saturday, knowing it was free day, but not knowing it ended at 7:00. I was at the Mart, (and quite drunk, but thats another story) at 7:45.
My alcoholism and failure to correctly read the schedule caused our two ships to pass.
Sounds like things are progressing for Chi town art fairs year to year. Hopefully, next year will be so kick ass Mr. Brandl will come over the sea again, and I’ll be able to meet my hero face to face!
Lynne, Dave Roth, Brandl, and of course yours truly…its a goddamned feeding frenzy!
You and Meg should have a conversation about this on mic, it would be awesome.
Richard and the BAS gang
If I can remember the comments in regards to the C6 symp accurately (which is difficult because the raucous Critical Mass/Mart-Grosses-Honchos-being-beheaded-in-effigy segment that followed [sorry to mix languages there…]) Meg was the voice of reason. I’m intrigued. Sounds like private e-mail time…or maybe it’s Miller Time. God, I’m so confused.
It’s always Miller Time at Bad at Sports
Idea: Largely for WK but to throw it out there.
The indie art media here which is sizable, should find some way to centralize their efforts more, create a conglommerate and pool resources. We are all on the same relative team, and with the bloggers,, BAS, and kinfolk like Lumpen it would be nice to consolidate and expand the level of coverage instead of walking the same path.
Just an idea.
Richard -this is exactly what I have been advocating for sometime-……between BAS and Sharkforum and several other ezine constructs (note, I omit brown nose specialist artist-ordinaire over at artoridiocy -as its just too kiss-butt lame and collegiate)- we are finally offering up some infrastucture for the Chicago art world that has been lacking since Kathryn Hixon and fellow Kirchner clones took over New Art Examiner and turned it into a partisan rag/UIC mouthpiece-
(I remember when the late Donald McFadyen and I did a piece for New Art Examiner in the early nineties -I was not allowed to use the term ‘department head’ -as that would be construed as my referencing Judith Kirchner………I wish I was kidding -but its all too true, unbelievable as it must seem to others- particularly now, that we have the democracy of the internet…..
This is where I would like to see the Mart step up -with political activists in the mix like David Rosen -people who are very forward looking and cyberspace aware,…….why not have them spend the money to create a hub/ a site that leads to all others, that creates infrastructure/ promotes and informs all things cultural for the scene here -and makes the fair MORE than all other fairs in that it helps create the first truly cyber infrastructure for an entire cities cultural community- at the same time, promoting their fair in an entirely new way…….
Why not have a trade show that empowers a philospohical construct? Isn’t this the kind of green thinking we are all beginning to embrace? What if Art Chicago promoted aesthetics along with the trade show aspect…an epicureanism/ an enlightened hedonism -as opposed to the decadence and disarray promoted at Art Basil Miami among others…….
-more latter-
-later-…..sheeeeeeesh!……will I ever write a typo free entry? The Shark is, oddly enough, somewhat finicky…..
Even though I agree with the concept of collaboration, I’ve gotta say that I think there’s greater strength in an approach similar to what we’ve currently got.
We’ve talked about this before – you guys are doing your thing, we’re doing ours, Iconoduel continues to provide excellent offerings. Like we kept saying at the Cultural Center presentation we gave together – others can do it and they should.
The Mart can (and I think will) provide something which will help to bring these elements together, which would be hugely beneficial. And having them advance a “philosophical construct” is precisely what’s needed, provided it doesn’t become an esthetic doctrine.
aesthetic doctrine? slim to no chance at all of that happening- we just need a clearing site – an imaginative directory and, promoter of whats going on -in all disciplines -theater/music/ visual arts/ dance -kind of an online museum directing people to analog events and other sites providing infrastructure……..
Kennedy’s speech early on Sat morning (along with the armory announcement) mentioned considerable build out at the Mart building to create spaces, or floors? bigger, taller etc. to accomodate larger work in all media. I bet they do this to an extent which impresses all. This year was a litmus test, so maybe next year is the acid test, Dave. These are people with considerable reputations which they will protect. Obviously if there is a concern they can just throw money at it. Sounds like they’re going to do that all the way until this time next year.
what you describe sounds like Sharkforum…with funding!
kidding aside, the de-centralization of the web ends up meaning strength in numbers. Sites like Flavorpill and Gapers Block are attempting to do precisely what Richard’s suggesting, if I get his point.
But do we really want to become a conglomerate? I dunno… Seems to be working pretty well now. I do think that the changes we’ve discussed r.e.; the Mart’s site, could accomplish this. I’m a strong advocate for our sites remaining unique and distinct – I think it makes us all stronger.
I also think we could do more at SF to accomplish these local promotional goals. Once we get the re-design up and start selling ads we’ll be able to offer wider coverage of local creative scenes. There’s also no reason why we can’t offer feeds from BAS and Iconoduel, for instance.
The way I see it the Mart can do something way more powerful. Yes, they can and should make “artropolis” (a name which still makes me a bit queazy) a robust on-line entity which is dynamic and alive 24-7-365. For a wide variety of reasons this will be hugely beneficial to the Chicago art world. And I do think they can provide an invaluable service as an aggregator of pre-existing media, thus pointing others to us.
I just wouldn’t be so quick to throw in together at this point. We can certainly support one another, as we have…
As far as pooling resources goes – what resources? Have you guys got some? I’m headed to the couch cushions now…
Right on, Jeff – sounds good to me.
Incremental success is where it’s at. What impreses me about the Mart is that they’ve done so much more than just throw money at the problem. Whether you agree with their choices or not they did make choices based on research.
If they devote the same effort to improving the show I think we’re all in for some good years ahead art fair-wise. Time will tell.
I think there already is a strong relationship between BAS and the Sharks. The Sharks have had a link to BAS for a while now, and I’m assuming in the future incarnations of the BAS website there will be some reciprocity.
I’m not sure Richard is talking about a full scale consolidation, but some more connectivity would be fun, and create strength in voices. MSBrandl and I are toying around with come collaboration in our commentaries. I’d like to see a BAS/Shark currated show somewhere…
If there were serious collaboration between BAS and Sharkforum, I think I’d probably stop contributing.
As a Shark and a BAStard, I’m with Richard and Wesley. Some kind of strong open networking would be very good. Not merging but many crioss-overs, joining for events, shows, overlapping press allowing different takes on matters, etc.
Any concrete ideas? i think the basic notion is EXACTLY what is The Shark has been mentioning to me for quite some time and needed and why I threw in with Klein, Wesley and then BAS.
Let’s go!
P.S. Steve is right — it would be FUN and we could arrange ways to keep our quirky independence out in the open.
Death to the Consensoriat.
Lekrunk -since there already is serious collaboration between BAS and Sharkforum -you’d better stop contributing- besides, as we all seem so naive to a mental giant such as yourself why waste your precious time? Or ours for that matter?
“Death to the Consensoriat.”
exactly. I also think we offer more persuasive punch this way. There’s nothing to stop us from collaborating in all the ways you mention. But the sites are already networked and co-supporting. I think that’s way stronger than a merger.
The upshot is that we’re doing exactly what we ought to – remember all the whining over at Artletter about community? This is it! This is how it’s done! Now is when things can really get cookin’.
Last month alone Sharkforum got over 1.8 million hits – that’s some eyeballs! There’s also good reason to believe that there’s a fairly distinct demographic involved.
Spring is here…
“If there were serious collaboration between BAS and Sharkforum, I think I’d probably stop contributing.”
o….k. I’ll take the bait – why?
shark, where is this serious collaboration between you and the BASers? i have yet to hear you contribute to the podcast, except a time they visited your studio and you badmouthed people, just like you do on the blog. so, until i see you actually contributing relevant information to BAS, maybe you should take a break. and as for the rock show at the MCA not showing chicago artists, i would suggest you look seriously at who is making work here that would work in that show.
I wasn’t suggesting anything specific, I do think it would be nice if there was a greater dialog and sharing of resources above and beyond the occasional posting on each others blogs. There have been no formal plans, i don think there are lots of people out there reporting on the Midwest art world and it would be neat-o to find ways to work together.
I like community, grass roots, DIY kinda stuff.
If nothing else my idle comment generated some interesting commentary.
Networks are made strong by the connectivity of their nodes. So I am definitely in favor of all sorts of collaborative enterprises. Conglomeration to me means homogenization and usually is only good for a few and bland for everyone else. I vote we work together more but keep doing our own things well.
I would add that the Shark’s utopian vision combined with his aggressive social judgments makes me nervous. It seems to be a slippery slope to a hypocritical cliquishness that he rightly advocates against in others. Networks are inherently chaotic and often contradictory- to their benefit- so policing who can be “in†or not based of of personal criteria is quite destructive.
Good points Brian. Richard – I’m with ya. Now that we’re all rolling we might end up rolling in the same direction. I happen to enjoy the fact that there’s something going on that I’m not directly involved with – it keeps me on my toes a little, and gives me something to consider other than my own shtuff.
Are there any other Elephant 6 fans here? I think they provide an interesting model for collaboration.
And Rachel – just an FYI. Sharkforum is much more than any one of it’s members. Mark Staff Brandl, one of SF’s primary contributors, is a correspondant for BAS (unless I’ve got the title wrong).
Too true. Mark is our central europe bureau chief.
Elephant 6 produced some kickass records.
No doubt. In the Aeroplane Over The Sea is still one of my all time faves. I wish those Neutral Milkers would get back together.
What I take away from their thing is that they make it easy for themselves to collaborate – it’s really a no-heavy-lifting sort of vibe. I may have it wrong but that’s what comes across.
Rachel -I have done two podcasts now with BAS: the first discussing the reality of the Chicago art world, the second talking about Sharkstock -where and number of visual artists and musicians collaborated on an event last weekend.
-if you think that my discussing the politics that have has such a ruinous effect on the art world here -politics that any working artist, not to mention major figures in the museum and educational institutions acknowledge and agree totally with me upon, issues that critics, bloggers and major artists here in Chicago – at least those who are in possession of half a brain understand and discuss, -if you ‘think’ and I use the term loosely, that I am simply ‘badmouthing’ the poor innocent victims I discuss, then you are truly a simpleton and as such, considering that that ultimately the people who do succeed in being relevant in the art world are usually fairly intelligent -this all might give you pause as to what you are doing with your life.
As for the rock show…..why am I even bothering to answer this idiotic drivel?………Tony Fitzpatrick -the last ten cd covers for the hugely influential alt country rocker Steve Earl -Tony and Steve have also collaborated on performances together at Steppenwolf Theater here and abroad -John Langford -of The Mekons, The Waco Brothers, -an acknowledged and celebrated visual artist. Sam Prekof, Archer Prewitt!…..lets see, I have done two covers for the band Greg Kot always decribes as Chicago’s best rock band -Eleventh Dream Day -several covers for Nick Tremulis -and am currently in the midst of doing paintings for my second cd project with the great Alejandro Escovedo -I did Alejandro’s last cd that was produced by John Cale of The Velvet Underground -the next one will be produced by Glyn Johns -of Who’s Next -Beggars Banquet fame -along with the cd art I will probably be painting backdrops for Alejandro -who after he finishes this recording is filming the story of his musical career with Jonathan Demme…………
shall I continue? because what I mention here hardly scratches the surface……..a survey of rock music that focuses on Cologne instead of Chicago?- the birthplace of urban rhythm and blues? are you kidding me? People all over town are reeling over the stupidity of this -narrow minded misbegotten show -do we really need to see Mike Kelly or Raymond Pettibone or the rest of the Sonic Youth crowd yet again?
There: I have humoured your ignorance with a response -more than it deserves………
And Dave, I’m also sure that anyone who reads Sharkforum or listens to or reads BAS is fully aware that Sharkforum is not just me:
just go to the site -Simone Muench, Ursual Sokowloska, Kim Christoff, Lynne Warren, yourself -Mark Staff Brandl -who is indeed a contributing editor to BAS- to name a few -you really don’t need to keep reiterating this fact -its self evident.
And I’m doing stuff with The Handcuffs, and have done others, and Dolan’s done award winning album covers, and and and
I seem to be the WHOLE bureau here in central Europe. I like that about BAS, though, we all get to be chiefs.
Collaborating with Sharks is an anarchic thing anyway, so nobody gets over organized, believe me. And Collaborating with BAS is a humorous give and take. I fear no beige much in these folks, esp. now that i have spent time with them all.
Hell, I LIVED at Wesley’s place and he never once tried to tell me what to do. Not that such a thing would work with me anyway. He and I and David and others all disagree CONSTANTLY and still find areas to work on together.
Stop fearing working together! Each can do it in her or his own fashion. NOT doing so is what always limited Chicago ion the eyes of the world (I contend the artists were NEVER limited, only the powerbrokers and the image elsewhere) and allowed for juntas by small cliques (of the aestetically challenged yet klein-politik, kissassly talented). It worked for London, it is working for Berlin, it worked for LA. Get on the g-d ball! It has started rolling!
It worked for London, it is working for Berlin, it worked for LA. Get on the g-d ball! It has started rolling!
and hopefully will keep rolling and not come to a screeching halt -that is, if we can keep the idiots at bay..sheeeeeeesh!
“And Dave, I’m also sure that anyone who reads Sharkforum or listens to or reads BAS is fully aware that Sharkforum is not just me:”
No shit. I’m just giving Mark his due – setting the record straight. Point that gattlin’ gun somewhere else Hoss.
“Dolan’s done award winning album covers”
no doubt – it won a frickin’ GRAMMY.
for the record, here’s part of the blurb from the MCA web site about the R ‘n’ R show. Cologne? What am I missing? I know “Exile on Main Street” was made in France… I must have slept through that class.
“This exhibition is the most serious and comprehensive look at the intimate and inspired relationship between the visual arts and rock-and-roll culture to date, charting their intersection through works of art, album covers, music videos, and other materials. The exhibition addresses the importance of specific cities such as London, New York, Los Angeles, and Cologne; rock and roll’s style, celebrity, and identity politics in art; the experience, energy, and sense of devotion rock music inspires; and the dual role that many individuals play in both the sonic and visual realms. This exhibition is curated by Pamela Alper Associate Curator Dominic Molon.”
I don’t need a gattlin’ gun to take things apart Dave…… -but seriously -do we need another show of the usual suspects? ……….Cologne -how about Minneapolis -I know its not as glamorous but uhh Prince, Morris Day and The Time, -and as far as punk/ alternative two huge seminal bands -Husker Du -The Replacements……..what about Seattle? ..what about San Francisco?……. HELLO!!@!!#@!…..having been around the rock and roll and the art world world almost my entire life -I’m fed up with the Sonic Youth/Pathetic Aesthetic to the exclusion of everything else view that the art world takes -(for some weird reason )-I mean they are ok -they certainly aren’t Tom Verlaine/Television for instance…..
-but the main point is -this stuff has already been shown countless times -even here -Pettibone= ‘Ren’ certified…….of course
-this isn’t apparently a show about the rock world as much as it is -what celebrity artists have done work in the rock world… we get another show of the usual suspects…….its unfortunate -because this is an opportunity to delve a little deeper and write a richer history -using some of the treasures at our door steps…..but no, we will all file into the MCA and see local NYC artists and local LA artists…….and apparently Dominic will be able to ingratiate himself futher with the powers that be -by continuing a policy of business as usual/ don’t rock (pun intended) the boat….
We’re getting off-topic, so I’ll try to get the train back on the rails: anyone like to weigh-in on the Artist Project? How you thought it went, what needs changing, etc?
I disagree -I think this is very important, and the beginning of a huge dialog in Chicago about this the pending exhibition at the MCA- there are going to be fireworks about this -you heard it here first.
The Artist Project: -they need to keep the 10% good artists the had, lose the CAC riffraff, turn it into a juried show with serious artists- and make it into an exhibition about esthetics.
And the Rock show sounds rather white and anti-Chicago — I eman, come on, what about CHESS RECORDS fur Christ’s sake?
I was hoping Dominic would come see my John Lennon and Superman painting, by email he said he would, but I didn’t personally see him. Hi DM! Where were you! I’m far better than Raymond P anyway (although he’s an okay guy).
I will have my post on my experience in the Artist Project and Art Chicago in general up on Sharkforum late tonight — so in the afternoon for you people. I hope we can continue some of the discussion of all this there too. Especially about how to SPREAD the idea of Artist Project and how to improve it.
If we can all collaborate to pump up Chicago, I know one thing we are NOT in danger of —- writing without typos! Sheesh. My past posts sometimes read half illiterate.
David – I think the past few of The Sharks posts will answer questions as to why I would hesitate to want to further a BAS and Sharkforum collaboration. The posts are mean-spirited, aggressive to the point of the being verbally abusive to people, and with criticism often based in ad hominem attacks. How do you engage in a dialog with a poster like that?