THIS WEEK: Interviews with Leslie Hindman, Wesley “The Shark” Kimler, and Michael “Makes icky noises into the mic which I need to edit out” Workman.
Marc LeBlanc and Brian Andrews talk Los Angeles Galleries at 95 miles per hour.
ATTENTION ALL BAD AT SPORTS LISTENERS: Amanda’s Mom will be in Chicago next week! When you are at the various and sundry art fairs BE SURE to keep an eye out for Amanda and her Mom. She apparently has re-upped her restraining order against Duncan. YOU CAN MEET AMANDA’S MOM (who will autograph any body part you’d like) and meet us at the following shindig:
April 27, 2007
(Special guest starring Bad at Sports-we’d better be on the damn list)
Join Version and Lumpen and a cabal of artists and weirdos at
Sonotheque for an afterparty and celebration of our victory over the
forces of Artropolis.
9 pm – 2 am.
Performances by
Skarekrau Radio
Lemon Pretend
DJs Liz Armstrong
and Rand Sevilla
Free Svedka vodka drinks til 10 pm. $10 cover.
NOTE: I was contacted via e-mail (sent what is essentially a cease and desist) by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. I was informed that as Duncan is a Canadian artist and is working in the media, he, and thereby Bad at Sports are governed by the standards and practices of Section 3 of the Canadian National Broadcasting Act and we were deficient in our quota of MAPL ( I had to look it up) based Canadian content in the program. Hence this week’s music cues, in case you were wondering.
Leslie Hindman<br\>Wesley Kimler<br\>Michael Workman<br\>Tony Fitzpatrick<br\> Hot Doug’s<br\>Sonotheque<br\>Mucca Pazza<br\>Sharkstock 2<br\>The Hideout<br\>Mark Messing<br\>Redmoon Theater<br\>Brad Peterson<br\>Scott Speh<br\>Version>07<br\>Art Chicago<br\>ARTropolis<br\>David Rosen<br\>Mark Falanga<br\>Chris Kennedy<br\>Tom Burtonwood<br\>Pulse<br\>Leo Castelli<br\>The Armory Show<br\>Mark Esper<br\>Daniel Edwards<br\>Art Unlimited<br\>Art Basel<br\>The Artist Project<br\>Bridge Art Fair<br\>Joffrey Ballet<br\>Christie’s<br\><br\><br\>Pauline Palmer<br\>Jackson Pollock<br\>Vincent van Gough<br\> Fairweather<br\>Ed Paschke<br\>Roger Brown<br\>Gauguin<br\>Artnet<br\>Albert Brooks<br\>John C. Reilly<br\>Saturday Night Live<br\>Mary Goldman<br\>Fringe Exhibitions<br\>The Happy Lion<br\>Lizabeth Oliveria<br\>Light Box<br\>Blum & Poe<br\>Stuart Davis<br\>Magritte’s “The Treachery of Images”<br\>LACMA<br\>John Baldessari<br\>Martin Kippenberger<br\>Robert Gober<br\>Charles Ray<br\>Eleanor Antin<br\>IFF<br\>Museum of Jurassic Technology<br\>Shea Zellweger<br\>David Wilson<br\>
Direct download:Bad_at_Sports_Episode_86_Hindman-Kimler_workman.mp3
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
Doesn’t Duncan, by definition, count as Canadian Content?
-what I failed to mention and what I was a huge proponent of -was making this thing interdisciplinary; bringing Chicago’s finest in the world theatre scene into this event -the music scene -involving organizations like Bridge -BAS and Sharkforum, starting -and I emphasize starting a website……..these things are key. And the mart people get it! To what extent remains to be seen -but they get it more than anyone else has thus far………
I think that Chicago can really happen. I think using cyberspace to create infrastructure that we- unlike either NYC or LA, lack, is the key. I think a healthier idealogy based upon aesthetics rather than the marketplace is at this point, a revolutionary idea. We have working space -we need cybespace to promote it. The few people who controlled the scene here because they shaped the outside art worlds perception of what was going on here are becoming less relevant as constructs like this one take hold. AND PHASE THEM OUT!
I think Chicago artists, collectores -curators all need to take a look at the healthy chauvinism demonstrated in the LA scene -they are into their artists -not New York……..true our proximity to the east coast is complicit in our bowing and scraping down to that scene -but it needs to end.
Name drop for this week’s show.
David Rosen…art’s a little crooked.
Holland, love the Rush. I think we’re twins separated at birth as I’ve been bugging my girlfriend this weekend with a copy of the R30 DVD. Oh, and I’ve taught her all the 51st-63rd States in the Union…err…13 Canadian Provinces and Territories.
I dunno what to think of Rush. I dunno what to think of Delacroix either. Delacroix packs quite a lot of art into sketchy brushstrokes. He’s pretty technically adept. He grapples with big problems on a humanistic level. He also leave’s me thinking, “You’re good. So what’s the point?” Equally, Rush packs quite a lot of sound into three pasty Canadians. They’re incredibly technically adept. They grapple with big problems on a humanistic level. As well they leave me thinking, “You’re good. So what’s the point?”
In conclusion. Rush and Delacroix…can’t live with them, but too important to summarily dismiss.
Nathan Rogers-Madsen -this cheap shot concerning David Rosen needs to be addressed: -yes he took ther bullet for Hilary Clinton -concerning her campaign finance irregularities, as a matter of fact, he ended up on the cover of The Washington Post Magazine concerning the situation – David was found INNOCENT by a jury of his peers in 3 hours of deliberations….so what is your problem beyond needing to be a bitchy little gossip spreading half-truths?
Hey — is that picture Amanda’s mom? Wow wow wow. And she’s probably about my age. Probably is sick of artists anyway, though. And I’m happily married……………….
Its Leslie Hindman Euroshark…sheeesh! Are you going to show up here all; jet-lagged?
-anyway a welcome respite from the Fox News level character assassination to be found above -you know, ‘some people say’…………evil junk…….I believe the judge actually apologized to David Rosen after he was found innocent…..Nathan Rogers-Madsen indeed….this is the kind venal, trafficing in trash that makes me hate the art world.
Sounds like Mark is eager to soak up the beauty only America can provide before he ventures back to Europe…
I LOVE this week’s episode. I am a bit regionalist. I like to hear from the big Chi Town hitters: The Shark and The Workman. Plus a great preview of this weekend’s events. I was initially thinking the Shark was a bit “nice” in his interview, compaired to his earlier episode, but here he is, swimming on the blog, just how I like it.
My one complaint: Where’s the Holland?
In a holding cell.
The Shark isn’t always biting the heads off of baby seals Steve -The Fair -the Chicago art world -there is so much at stake here -The Shark is not afraid to confuse and confound and lead the way towards more sharky water – and, bigger water for all-
So wait, does anyone have the URL for the aforemention pictures?
So wait, will the art fair be great of simply adequate?
So wait, does this mean that BAS will play nothing but Celine Dion?
I never want to hear Rush again.
Balzac: the fair will be a work in progress…..its really fascinating to think of how the cultural community here could use this situation -to in a way subvert what has been going on, some of the blazing insipidness for instance in Miami with its out of control bling- consumer/market based art consumption…..why not have a good trade show/ art fair and, simoultaneously have a serious city wide interdisciplinary cultural event that isn’t completely about stupid money?
-all in the name of beginning to have a more functional/ aesthetic based art scene in Chicago -run by the artists -not, art educators, not curators, and not dealers -if we could accomplish this people, we would be miles ahead of every other art scene on the planet –
-imagine a city where the artist where at the top of the food chain -where dealers, curators, art educators deferred to the people who actully create. what a concept no? imagine a city that was first to really coordinate its artworld using the internet.
Artist: think apex predator
You know you love me Canada, I am your most beloved native son!!!
Remember my classic anthem and the wisdom therein:
A modern-day warrior
Mean mean stride,
Todays tom sawyer
Mean mean pride.
Though his mind is not for rent,
Dont put him down as arrogant.
His reserve, a quiet defense,
Riding out the days events.
The river
And what you say about his company
Is what you say about society.
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift.
The world is, the world is,
Love and life are deep,
Maybe as his eyes are wide.
Todays tom sawyer,
He gets high on you,
And the space he invades
He gets by on you.
No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government.
Always hopeful, yet discontent,
He knows changes arent permanent,
But change is.
And what you say about his company
Is what you say about society.
Catch the witness, catch the wit,
Catch the spirit, catch the spit.
The world is, the world is,
Love and life are deep,
Maybe as his skies are wide.
Exit the warrior,
Todays tom sawyer,
He gets high on you,
And the energy you trade,
He gets right on to the friction of the day.
Canadians= hillbillies with sweaters
And most important — how DOES one spell “tuche” or “tuch” or whatever? I like to call Canucks “those North Americans who are too dumb to understand that we have to bomb everywhere else on earth to bring peace,” they jest don’t git it how to bow to US thoughts, jeez, aye.
Rush -kind of like a castrato version of Journey
Journey sucked like an old hoover.
don’t tell Nick that! …..when the lights go out in the citaaaayyyyy by the bayayeahhhh!
who thought that shit up?
Don’t stop bel-eiiiiiving.
maybe we need Rush/Journey cover at Sharkstock!
That will take care of the overcrowding concerns.
Don’t forget BAS listeners.
This Saturday on your way to Sharkstock 2: Electric Boogaloo, stop by Hyde Park Art Center to see superstar artist Duncan Mackenzie speak at 2:00.
5020 S. Cornell Avenue
Whatever happened to the bad at sports assault on the snoozefest that is Edward Lifson and the worst show on NPR Hello Beautiful?
I was hoping this would continue in to something serious. A challenge. A coup.
Please folks lets get rid of the master of bore.
We are making T-shirts. They should be available soon. $20. The proceeds go to funding the show and other sonic assults.
We will crush both Lifson and Bad at Spots.
I actually am bad at spots, take a look at the water glasses in my house, it is ever so clear.
I think we should demand NPR give us someone with a pulse to cover the art world here: Awhile ago Andrew Patner used to ooze up or should I say fester? That was unpleasant enough -I remember the first time I ever heard of him Paschke warned me about him -‘ backstabber ‘-I believe was the description……you have to ask yourself where do these people come from?… least Victoria Lautmann did her homework and is ethical………
Dear Wesley,
Rally your troops to send letters Demanding that Torey Malatia replace the current regime with more exciting people….like US.
The average demographic of WBEZ is like 55. They need to jazz it up if they want to survive.
Send your letters to:
Torey Malatia
Chicago Public Radio – WBEZ 91.5 FM
848 East Grand Ave
Navy Pier
Chicago, IL 60611
Sounds like the fight is back on. Start makin those T-shirts.
You know who was good at spots: Georges Seurat.
It’s a good idea to get the Shark involved in some water churning. He suggested that Kevin Nance write for Art in America, and it came true!
Richard -lets do it from here and from Sharkforum –
Someone roll out the Marx Brother’s classic Duck Soup. IT’S WAR!
FYI again
Both BAS and Mr. Kimler have articles in the latest issue of Time Out Chicago (Issue 113: April 26–May 2, 2007) about the various Art Fair-ness.
Well, once we get through the fair and then lets start discussing ALL of the coverage here -Artforum, Art In America, NPR, Modern Painters……..we need to change the pathetic kind of coverage we have had dealt to us over the last two decades. We need nothing less than a revolution…Whether or not we even want to concern ourselves with these more traditional and perhaps outmoded constructs…….lets all talk about it –
Ahhhh, Saturday, editing the show, NASCAR on the tv with the sound off…
Sharkstock tonight.