Duncan talks with James Elkins about globalism, imperialism’s and all sorts of lighthearted stuff. This is audio that was recorded this summer at The Stone Theory Institute’s first iteration; 2007: The Globalization of Art, co-organized with Zhivka Valiavicharska.
Bad At Sports sat in on the whole thing and has pretty much every second on tape. We will be posting five sections over the next month or two as raw audio with a short introduction by Elkins himself. These will not be the polished “podio” that you have been used too but for those of you academically inclined it will be freaking awesome…
check the blog regularly as we will update with out notice.
We have a James Elkins original picture of all the scholars involved with their names for download at…
The show opens with an indictment of Duncan’s mean-ness.
Joseph Mohan
James Elkins
Stone Summer Theory Institute
Howard and Donna Stone
Re-Enchantment: Religion and Contemporary Art
Zhivka Valiavicharska
Jeff Wall
Michael Ann Holly
The Getty
Fred Jameson
Dario Gamboni
Xu Bing
Nam June Paik
Susan Buck-Morss
Venice Biennale
Carol Becker
Kathryn Hixson
Andrea Fraser
Gilles Deleuze
Félix Guattari
Tom Wolfe
Roland Barthes
Shigemi Inaga
Jeff Koons
Stanley Fish
Salvador Dalí
Gerhard Richter
Hal Foster
Benjamin Buchloh
Rosalind Krauss
Jerry Saltz
Lucy McKenzie
Mess Hall
Temporary Services
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_119-Elkins_on_Globalism.mp3
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
- Episode 893: Cecilia Beaven - February 19, 2025
The flashback in the intro is hilarious.
Great to have Elkins back! You can’t have him on too much. This guy is a phenomenon and a truly independent thinker. I look forward to listening!
Check out Chicago Artists’ Coalition’s Perspectives column featuring the venerable Elkins on our new blog:
Also, check out CACTV featuring interviews with artists and footage from cool CAC events.
Come to our Holiday Party this Friday, everyone! Packer Shopf is hosting. It’ll be great fun. 6-9, Friday the 14th. Food, drink, and jazz by Dan Godston Trio. Also, grab bag of artsycrafts.
BAS are you going to stand for this shameless shill work by Olga. Is that how CAC rolls? CAC you should stick to your relentless spam and stop spoiling the BAS blog. Take it outside.
I don’t know Ann…. I was looking forward to the ‘grab bag of artsycrafts’……
Sweet god of art strike me down now.
Wow, such anger and bitterness. My dear Ann Onymous, you seem to have a complex. This is one of the very few times I have actually posted, so stopping something that I actually don’t engage in is kinda impossible. And Tony, your sarcasm, my goodness….And for what? I literally have no idea, especially since Ann Onymous doesn’t seem to have the courage to tell me off directly, why you have such resentment toward CAC and me personally. What you call spam is what every organization in this town now does, including BAS once per week – it’s called e-marketing. Just take yourself off our list, Ann. Easy!
Anyway, happy holidays you grouchies.
Easy Olga….. don’t get your undies in a bunch… just realize the term ‘artsy grab bags’ doesn’t exactly make people tingle with anticipation.
Olga, I need to correct you here, our e-mail is most definitely spam.
And not the low-fat kind.
Artsy Grab Bags sound naughty.
Does the god of Art strike people down? I can think of a few I would like to suggest.
semantics….I prefer to fool myself into thinking it’s emarketing, and that people are eagerly awaiting our word, or at least don’t mind getting our word. I pay hefty bucks for this lie, you know.
and tony, it depends what they’re grabbing, as Richard has so appropriately pointed out….With a little imagination, you might get something really good….It’s worth a try.
Olga– maybe grab everyone’s sack as they arrive– you know , give it a good squeeze and say ‘an artsy Merry Christmas to you, Bunky’…..tell me how that works out for you…
Tony. I miss you but you better keep your hands off my junk.
you’re making me blush. i’m delicate.
Duncan– I will try to restrain myself…..
Does “artsy” refer to the stuff in the bag or the way in which the sacks will be grabbed?
When is the first audio piece from the conference coming?
Sorry, I’ve been a little taxed lately. If i can find three hours I will post the first one tomorrow. It will be the Con intro and it will be raw but a little more polished as it came through the mixer at SAIC. Look for it tomorrow or Wednesday.
Still no audio. Sorry. We been trying to get stuff together for the holidays. Look for them to start Saturday.
Don’t sweat it. There are more important things to do on Christmas! And HAppy Birthday Duncan!
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