Spread the Word!!! All local housing/land-use activists need to be made aware of this event!!!
AREA Chicago Infrastructure Lecture
#3: Community Land Trusts and Housing Strategy
a presentation and discussion with San Francisco based Author-Organizer James Tracy
October 22, 2006 2pm-5pm
at In These Times offices
2040 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60647
Concerned about land-use and affordable housing? Wondering who has the right to the city?
Join the discussion!
Over the past decade, Community Land Trusts (CLT) have grown in
popularity as an affordable housing model. The CLT has the potential
to build consensus across the political divide-combining homeownership
with progressive vision of affordability and participatory democracy.
As the CLT movement grow, organizers are faced with several key
questions: How can we work to preserve communities in an era of
rapid-fire (and seemingly permanent) gentrification?; How can CLT’s
preserve resident control against very real pressures to
bureaucratize?; and in an era of cuts to the social safety net will
CLT’s work to challenge privatization or simply become a tool of it?
Presenter Bio:
James Tracy, co-founder of the San Francisco Community Land Trust,
will be on hand to offer his perspective on these questions and give
an update on his organization’s innovative efforts to preserve
affordable housing in the Bay Area.
***Anyone working on land trust issues in Chicago is more than welcome to come share their work/ideas in this discussion.***
***If anyone would like to print/copy flyers for this event, please
email us for the files***
Series Information*:
AREA initiated the ongoing Infrastructure Lecture series in order to
have public conversations about the needs, challenges and
possibilities of activist infrastructure. The framework of the series
will focus on the questions of longevity, sustainability, institution
building, and mutual aid relationships involved in the process of
creating self-organized infrastructure. To imagine an existence beyond
the rent gap speculation, beyond the non-profit (NGO)
industrial-complex and beyond the academy – we must imagine another
*This event is co-sponsored by Metropolitan Tenants Organization
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