BAS vs. Miami. This week the recap of Bad at Sports’ trip to Miami Basel.
We open with words of advice from BAS. Then we talk to see, review and mumble about the goings on in Miami
People who had something to say this show include:
Lisa Dorin: Assistant Curator at the Art Institute of Chicago
Lisa Boyle: Head Honcho Lisa Boyle Gallery, Bird-Horse-Muffin coach.
Christopher Vroom Collector and Artadia Board President
Todd Simon: collector, President of the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Vice-President of Jewish Family Service, and is active on the Boards of the United Way of the Midlands, Young President’s Organization and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.2,
Michael Workman: Bridge guy
Vanessa Chafen: Michael Workman herder.
Jodie Jacobi: Artist
Susan Gescheidle: Gescheidle gallery. She gives us breaking news.
Noah Lang: Trillium Press.
Maura Thompson: Artist
And so much more, lots of talk about hotels and alcohol.
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_68__miami_vices.mp3
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
just wanted to say thanks for an amusing show this week. i was also in miami, where things couldn’t have been more hectic and overwhelming, but a seriously good time. nada was good; too bad you didn’t get there. it was definitely the best fair i visited. also wanted to agree with lisa boyle about how some fairs are just residue of what couldn’t get into the better ones. not all galleries are good galleries is a fact.
Thanks for the thanks.
Miami Basel was 50% art fair fun times 50% Hallucinogenic nightmare.
Editing the mish-mash of what we recorded was a wacky undertaking.
That was great.
I am the ugliest man ever. I feel bad for my wife. yuck!
Reject affirmation.
Affirm Rejection!
You all suck.
“..find drunk people and ask them how they got that way.” — one of my favorite pastimes.
can only echo Bill’s comment: That’s one of the best pieces of advice (and a damn fine turn of phrase, btw.) i’ve heard in a while.
After listening to the show, I know I have to go to Miami next year and regret not doing it this year. For good and bad, I think that anyone that has ambitions in participating in any part of the visual arts, must make the trip. In fact, it should be part of the curriculum in art school. One would be at least awarded one course credit to go to Miami.
When I went to school, there was a lot of emphasis on practical skills, art theory and history, but almost none on making it a career or how the art world works. Because of this it’s hard to know where to begin after getting that degree. I feel that a trip to Miami would help a budding young artist figure out where he or she might fit in or where they would want to go.
Thank you BAS team for going to Miami, so I didn’t have to. Though, now I’m saving up for those $15 Mojitos. See you next year!
who the hell is robert.jacobi and why is he emailing me?
Did anyone go to photoMiami and is Richard for sale?
finally some props from Tyler Green of MAN, though why he cant figure out how to link is beyond me. sheesh.
congratulations and merry xmas to all the BASers
We are trying something new with out e-mail and fucked up a bit. Sorry.
We utterly missed photoMiami, which is a pity as Photography *is* the new shitty drawing.
Richard is always for sale, cheap.
Tyler Green????
Thanks for the props.
What does photoMiami have that Flikr doesn’t?
Is is me or does the art world tend to come off as just so much bullshit these days? I can’t tell if it is Bad at Sports’ reporting or simply the truth of way the world works, but has art always been the cynical business it is now?
It’s you.
Bullshit is a constant.
It is like thinking that the world was nicer in the past. It’s a lie.
I disagree Richard. And agree. There is more bullshit now, but there was always more bullshit. Ahhh …hmmm…..anyway…. Happy Holidays.
Happy holidays to all as well.
I diasgree, I think the cynicism is refined to a science but I think so long as there has been an art market there has been copious amount of bullshit.
Cynicism-refinement / bullshit. Good differentiation of terms, Richard. You are right. BS level is rather steadily high, but unquestioning BELIEF in it is (perhaps) now higher than ever before.
The art world has always excelled at spreading bullshit in a layer of varied thickness throughout the globe, wherever art and people meet. We just have the good fortune to live at a time in which opportunities to observe the spread of said bullshit and ways to spread it are unprecedented.
I agree with Richard’s critique of the good ol’ days fantasy.
A certain percentage of those who spread the bullshit, read it or pay to have it spread will always possess “unquestioning belief”. Or profess, because that is a talent attained through meta-bullshit spreading, that they do, in fact, believe what they say or what someone writing for such and such dispenser has said.
I think the perception that it is at a higher rate is merely a result of the proliferation of bullshit dispensers, utensiles or spreading, etc. The bullshit was awfully thick and rich in New York in the 1950s. As it was in Paris in the 1850s, (or Chicago in the 1980s) etc…
However, that’s not so say we do not have crusaders against the application of supreme bullshit; they exist and possibly they exist in the same proportion relative to all described above. There were many who tried furiously to scrape away vestiges of bullshit at the times and places mentioned above. Amen — eventually they win out. Mostly they’re rotting in the grave after the fact but their rot still smells better than the fresh bullshit.
— R
Duncan, I must say you do look very franken-Duncan. I think you just overdosed on geri-curl or some other hair tonic. hope you are doing better. bye, from the land of Judd.
Duncan is currently in Canadia “Recovering from exhaustion” in a nice facility *ahem*.
I can’t say enough, or too much, about Duncan’s new hairstyle. It makes me tingle in secret places.
On a related note, I’m pretty sure I used the ATM in that store behind you guys. I was in Miami on “business” just before the ArtBasel freakout. Thanks for making me feel like I was there. The show meant more knowing that Duncan’s hair was there.
Good luck with recovery, er, your much-needed rest, Duncan.
— R
Hi Robert — while think you are right about bs and crusaders — or at least I hope you are — I disagree with your phrase “good old days.” to say that certain things have gotten worse is not equivalent to believing in any good old days. First, it may just be certain elements and not the whole of a situation that worsen — e.g., art education in primary schools was far better (due to more money) in the 60s than now. Second, there are indeed “lesser” and “major” art (and cultural) periods. That is just a “sad” fact. the Renaissance was a hellish time politically — endless, shifting city-state wars in Italy etc. As was Mannerism. And the Baroque period. BUT the Renaissance was a true high point in most of the arts and Mannerism was the burnt out, copist end of that. the following Baroque was again a high point, in an almost diametrically opposed direction to the Renaissance. No one, especially a creator, wants to be living in a “transition period,” like Mannerism or the Academic time, but I think we are indeed doing that in Postmodernism. There is still great work — there was El Greco in Mannerism, Goya grew out of Rococco, etc. But bit this was not the majority. In the Renaissance, in 16th c Holland, in High Modernism, it was. And our PoMo time does indeed now worship, with unquestioning belief it seems, simpleminded careerism, that is sophistry and absolutely nothing like the self-belief of artists in Modernism, which was based on success IN THE WORK and among a small group of other artists.
I love and would like to heartily second your last paragraph about bs and rotting and so on. Great imagery and thought.