Chicago Artists Month kicks off! Amanda and Richard go to the opening shindig at the Cultural Center and review the shows there-in, Richard confirms his lack of interest in photography, Amanda says “Op-Art” 92 times, everyone loves Ukrainian Modernism! Woo Hoo!
In memory o….I mean in the absence of Duncan we pulled an archival book review, Joanna Topor and Book Guru Terry Griffith discuss Duncan’s love of “Witchy Librarians” and the iconoclastic book WINKIE by Clifford Chase, an Orlando-esque tale of a stuffed bear accused of crimes he/she did not commit.
Superstar Brian Andrews hums Randy Newman and goes and checks out art in Los Angeles(where oddly enough we have a solid listener base).
Tom Scharpling from The Best Show on WFMU makes a guest appearance.
What happened to Duncan? Who knows.
Sara Lee, please send us money!!! You paid for that shindig Thursday, you can kick us some beer money, we help the community dammit.
I forgot to mention super intern Meg Onli in the closing credits, I suck, I apologize.
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_57_Chicago_Artists_Month.mp3
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
Ok, ok, I know, not our most riveting episode, but hey Terry and Brian were amusing, and Joanna made fun of Duncan, that should merit *some* comments.
so i listen to the show, yeah. but all can think about is this alternative past, one where i went to high school with a kid named Brad Atsports. if he was real, i’m not sure how he would feel.
We could kick his ass.
Can I send a press release to you about an opening in Chicago?
You can send them anything you want at their e-mail address. They say they get lots of death threats. Just like I like to threaten Leonardo.
i miss Duncan!!
Duncan passing is a sad thing for us all.
I think Duncan will actually soon be replaced by a look-alike who won a secret Duncan look-alike contest in Canada. But you will leave a lot of secret clues to the truth on your blogs.
*sigh* I wish we had a paul is dead controversy. I used to have a Hilarious record about the paul is dead conspiracy.