Kat Parker and Katie Rashid tell us about Duchess, their new gallery. Brian Andrews does his own dramatic interpretation of Matthew Barney’s recent radio Q&A as his publicist didn’t think we were important enough to interview him.

Brian’s brilliant dramatics really pull Bad at Sports in a whole new direction, changing our trajectory forever. Wow.

Who could ask for more?!?

Show note and links to follow when Duncan gets a minute.
Pablo Picasso
Joan Miro
Matthew Barney
Brian Andrews
Kat Parker & Katie Rashid
Duchess Gallery
Marc LeBlanc
Katie Herzog
Alexander Stewart
Stacey Nemeth
Cold Hearts
Deirdre Corley
Kelly Shindler
Package Deals
Rhona Hoffman Gallery
West Town Gallery Network
Body Worlds
Museum of Science and Industry
Drawing Restraint 9
Jeff Koons
Andre Serrano
Star Trek IV
Star Trek VI
Chris Cunningham
Spike Jonze
Michel Gondry
Jeff Ward

Christopher Hudgens