This week we corner MCA Chicago Curator and generally popular guy, Dominic Molon. We ask him about Wolfgang Tillmans and what the MCA thinks it’s doing for Chicago Art. Joy Division! Photography! The Challanges of the ’12×12′ project! What is wrong with the 12 x 12 series?
Dominic explains whose fault it really is that Chicago Artists are not getting out there. We also discuss the latest installment of the Focus series: Maureen Gallace.
Duncan and Richard again “shit” the bed with formal and public apologies to Museum Curators and please, let this stand as our apology to the little people out there: We meant no disrespect. Your size is just… just… just… funny?
Is it OK to admit that in this sort of thing? Duncan and Richard are stupid, is that OK? Amanda is lovely, so it’s OK if she is occasionally slow. Oh yeah, and Duncan grossly miscalculates his role at Bad at Sports and tries to fire everyone. He is still begging to get back on the show and we’ll have to see about that.
Next Week: it is Angry Letter time as The Boys and Girl hit the streets for a review frenzie.
For some reason there is lots of naughty language in this show, not for the sensitive listeners, as if we had them.
MCA Chicago
Dominic Molon
Wolfgang Tillmans
12 x 12
Lane Rayela
Maureen Gallace
Art or Idiocy?
Lisa Dorin
Marc Pascale
Chris Cunningham
Quintessential (yes I know I used it wrong)
Jurgen Teller
ID Magazines
Index Magazine
Galerie Daniel Buchholz
LA Hammer Museum
Russell Furguson
Sharon Lockhart
Mark Wigley
Peter Savill
Joy Division
New Order
Randolph Street Gallery
Independent Curators International
Situation Comedy
Julie Rodrigues Widholm
James Rondeau
Michael Asher
Hamza Walker
Art Institute of Chicago
Renaissance Society
Alan Artner
Venice Biennial
Armory Show
South by Southwest
James Yood
biennale of Sydney
Bienal de Sao Paulo
Biennale of Montreal
Douglas Gordon
Rodney Graham
Jeff Wall
Steven Shearer
Brian Jungen
Janet Cardiff
Toronto Art
Chicago Project Room
Kavi Gupta
Monique Meloche
Rhona Hoffman
Bodybuilder and Sportsman
Michelle Grabner
Bicycle Thief
Hether Hubbs
Tom Friedman
Arturo Herrera
Copenhagen Art
Peter Land
Ann Lislegaard
Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset
Joachim Koester
Self Esteem for Boys
Everyone’s Fired
Fuck You Jackass From Richard
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025