This show has at least 3 shows worth of material.
THIS WEEK: Michelle Maynard and Teena McClelland the ladies of Death by Design Co. talk about gore, guts, and their show at Gallery 400! Duncan, Richard and Amanda, rise above the fray and avoid saying snotty things about people related to a certain gallery space, once again, basking the entire time in the soft, warm glow of our moral superiority. Cassie Thornton checks in from NYC! We review Daniel Blanco’s show at Flatfile. AND the year end wrap up. Duncan apologizes to the OODA group for being a jerk. We throw down the gauntlet to Liz Armstrong who is writing the Chicago Anti-Social column in the Reader. Duncan hates Anne Goldstein. More singing by all.
People name dropped: Daniel Blanco, Michael Asher, Michael Workman, Philip von Zweck, Paul Klein, David Coyle, Mark Booth, Naughty Candy, Bruce Campbell, Jim Faulkner, Jasper Johns, The Booms, David Robbins (WHO IS NOT connected to Death by Design, honest, really, seriously, no foolin’), Readymade Magazine, Stan Shellabarger, Dan Flavin, Scott Speh, Brittney Spears, and Richard offers free legal assistance to Kevin Federline, as he will need it and so so much more.
NEXT WEEK: The always controversial and busy Michael Workman, New City art critic, NOVA front man, Art Fair impresario, freelance writer and 92 other things talks about the art biz, pissing people off, the state of the Chicago art scene, and what the future holds, not to be missed! Duncan, Richard and Amanda talk about Maximum Wage! We might even have a piece by a second NYC contributor despite the fact they are too damn rude to spend 1 second and figure out what my name is before they write to us.
Links may follow eventually, Duncan has gone back to the motherland.Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_17_DEATH.mp3
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
- Episode 893: Cecilia Beaven - February 19, 2025