Sorry I Can’t Cry For Annie Leibovitz

Sorry I Can’t Cry For Annie Leibovitz

I wish Annie Leibovitz well and hope she gets her financial situation back on track and doesn’t suffer the pain shared by The Beatles and Stones which is the never ending chase to put the genie (rights to your own work) back in the bottle once you have sold it....
What Have You Done For Me Lately?

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

“My dealer is acting weird,” a friend from New York said to me recently. “Weird, how?” I asked, starting to work on my probable list of dual sided offenses and defenses between the two parties. “Weird like, I can never tell if she likes...
Ciaran Murphy at Kavi Gupta Gallery

Ciaran Murphy at Kavi Gupta Gallery

The first exhibition of paintings by Ciaran Murphy at Kavi Gupta gallery features twelve paintings on canvas, all small or medium in size. They’re painted in a style that’s become all the rage of late– that low key, often monochromatic rendering of...
Tracy Emin’s Stupid Project

Tracy Emin’s Stupid Project

It seems as if I am only going to make posts about Tracy Emin. Here is the most recent news of Emin’s escapades . “Artist Tracey Emin has spent millions on buying a large part of a historic quarter of East London, in an attempt to halt the tide of...