Wednesday Clips 9/16/09

Wednesday Clips 9/16/09

Here’s our midweek summary of this n’ that and other chit-chat happening in the world of art and beyond. *Keith Olbermann gives Christopher Knight “Best Person in the World” status for pointing out potentially communist imagery in right-wing...
Wednesday Clips 6/17/09

Wednesday Clips 6/17/09

Special Art PrOn Edition!! *Visitors to the Art Institute have a jaywalking problem (Chicago Tribune). *Getty Research Institute to close Bibliography on the History of Art (BHA, IBA) (via CAA news). *NEA Survey indicates arts audiences getting older, scarcer (er,...
Top 5 for 6/12-6/14

Top 5 for 6/12-6/14

1. Green Lantern says it’s the end but we can still be friends… After 4 (or so) years going strong, the Green Lantern is closing it’s doors. Unfortunately The Man clamped down, and now we must say good bye, though hopefully only to the current space....