Art stolen for the sum of it’s parts

Art stolen for the sum of it’s parts

The banknotes proved too much of a temptation for the thieves A Norwegian artwork featuring banknotes glued to a canvas has been stolen from the Oslo gallery where it was on show. The work by artist Jan Christensen, entitled Relative Value, was made up of notes worth...
Episode 70: James Elkins

Episode 70: James Elkins Duncan and Terri talk to James Elkins about his books, criticism and more! Mike Benedetto provides an utterly hilarious movie review and public service announcement. From Mr....
BaS-Book Club Event

BaS-Book Club Event

Feeling consumed by your art? Contemplating selling your soul for fame? Take a breather from the back-breaking quest for immortality and join us November 14th at ThreeWalls (7pm) to talk about Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray – a tale of excess,...