Paper Castle on the Ocean

Paper Castle on the Ocean

Paper Castle on the Ocean, by Tokyo-based art student Wataru Itou.  It’s not fireworks, but it makes me go ‘ohhhhhhhhh! and it’s all pretty and glowy and shit. Happy 4th! Via The Daily What
Scott Walker | 30 Century Man

Scott Walker | 30 Century Man

If you read the blog regularly enough you might have noticed that I almost only write about documentary films. Documentaries or epically long films (I enjoy sitting still in a dark room for long periods of time.) With that being said I am also not that much of a music...
Friday’s Link Roundup

Friday’s Link Roundup

On this weekly roundup we check out Robogeisha, a surprisingly versatile robot, half a Century of Nuclear Explosions, and Brooklyn is burning. Actually this sounds like a rather apocalyptic roundup for Independence Day. Buckminster Fuller closes This Sunday July 5th...

Top…4? for 7/3, 7/4 & 7/5

Here’s what I’d go to, if I were you… 1. Co-Prosperity Sphere Bert Stabler is bending you brain this 4th of July with SALAD-CHURCH-EXERCISE: A show about self-improvement through self-denial. With work by over 20 local artists, a massive salad...