Community Supported Art

Community Supported Art

Over the last few years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has exploded in popularity. When I moved to Chicago in 2000, there were only a handful of CSAs available to Chicagoans. Now there are dozens. CSAs have become so popular that The New York Times frequently...
Culturally Omnivorous?

Culturally Omnivorous?

Last week on the NPR blog Monkey See, there was an interesting article by Linda Holmes about a new study released from the National Endowment for the Arts. In this study enticingly entitled “Age and arts participation: A case against demographic destiny,” the NEA...
No Such Thing as Silence

No Such Thing as Silence

  For the longest time I thought John Cage was an asshole. The first thing I knew about Cage was his infamous composition 4’33”—four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence. To my young mind, this seemed ridiculous, a joke, a lark, or worse, a way to...
Warhol Museum

Warhol Museum

When I was a kid, I was crazy for Andy Warhol. I mean I just loved him, practically erotically. His photo hung on my wall along with pictures of his work that I cut from magazines. To signal my arrival as a teenager, for my 13th birthday my mom bought me a...
James Bidgood

James Bidgood

I might be late to this party, but I recently fell in love with photographer James Bidgood. Bidgood is what they call a “re-discovered” artist, though he was re-discovered more than a decade ago. That term always makes me nervous. I’m not sure why. Maybe because...