Power Plays of Currencies, Desires, Energies

Power Plays of Currencies, Desires, Energies

A string of questions: What is the discourse of power that we subscribe to? Is it constrained by capital or physical strength? Is it supernatural or material? Where is it located? Who participates?  Further: What are the material conditions that underpin these power...
Coming UP

Coming UP

This is sort of like a preview for two series of interviews and posts I have planned. You may have noticed I haven’t been posting as many interviews these last couple of weeks; that’s because I’ve been conducting them in the back room, just out of...
Episode 289: Tania Bruguera

Episode 289: Tania Bruguera

http://traffic.libsyn.com/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_289-Tania_Bruguera.mp3 download This week: Duncan talks to installation and performance artist Tania Bruguera. TANIA BRUGUERA Tania Bruguera (born 1968, Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban installation and performance...
Death, Apocalypse & Darkness

Death, Apocalypse & Darkness

Power The economy may be turning around again (what is it is now, the third time in a year or fourth?) but the Art world seems to be talking about nothing but death & loss. First off you have the well publicized and it seems anticipated Kanye West music video for...