Duncan MacKenzie, Hacker?

Duncan MacKenzie, Hacker?

It is unknown when exactly the hack was added but on Monday 4/27 it was discovered that entering the Konami cheat code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, enter) at the official ESPN Web site made glittery pink unicorns with rainbow manes and tails...
Episode 173: Holiday Show 2008

Episode 173: Holiday Show 2008

http://media.libsyn.com/media/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_173-holiday_2008.mp3 download It’s our annual Holiday extravaganza. Now with even more Hanukkah content than ever before! Enjoy the show, have a safe and happy...
Grudge Match From Way Back

Grudge Match From Way Back

If you ever wondered when Bad at Sports really started it was not in 2005. In reality it was in 1896 Richard’s GG Grandfather Josiah Holland and Duncan’s GG Grandfather Cyrus MacKenzie meet at a bar in St. Louis, MO both having tried to get the postal...

Duncan’s “What What” goes full circle

As all die hard fans remember (it took me forever to figure out which episode it was) Duncan was quite taken with what was then a little known song called “What Whtat in the Butt” by Samwell. The year was 2007 almost a year ago today and times were hard....